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  • Ooh it's progression fantasy and not progressive fantasy. Lmao when I read your first comment I was like "alright, to each their own" hahah

    • Ah fook my bad I was thinking like character progression OPS still bad mods are bad.

      • Yup bad mods bad. U wanna mod Chinese thing btw? I was thinking of adding some Xianxia memes and recommendations idk. Later tho cuz I have a lot of work till June 30ish due to some deadlines and contract dates

        • Yeah if you want I can also post some general guides, though I think that a community like that will never be as big and active as it was in the old days. At least it won't require much moderation.

          • Yeah I was thinking that. That's why I decided to not make it like r/MartialMemes or r/Xianxia. Too overly specific and we'll get like one post every 2 months and that's gonna be me any time I open a new book. But at least there were like 5 people in this thread interested in Chinese literature so I was like, that's cool, time for the community I'd been yearning since I joined (first thing in my bio lol).

            • Yeah I think I read (mostly halfway to quarter way through) all the xianxia novels that I found interesting and wouldn't mind finding something new. Going to read the 3 body problem soon before it gets made into the netflix series.

              • My dad was reading that and I started seeing it everywhere. I'll download it then and see if it's interesting when I have free time.

                Currently also rereading your much hated Cradle


                • Lol I don't hate it well maybe that mod made me hate it but I did read the first book. Can't say I didn't try.

                  • x) jk

                    And yeah. You did more than I would. I think I don't finish 9out of 10 shows I start. Triple that for books. Not sure I've finished a book I didn't like yet.

                    • Think I finished 6 translated Chinese novels, 2 of those were under 1k chapters. Just took me a decade :). I think it's impossible to finish one of these novels without liking it, 2k chapters is a grind that's like 200+ hours per novel.

                      • Super true. I was reading a novel when I lived in Venezuela, and I was astounded that months into my life in Spain, I was still reading it, and I'd get this feeling that it had been such a big part of my life at that point. Ironically I can't remember which novel that was. But yeah I usually spend weeks if not months to finish a normal one of these, sometimes even reading all day.

                        In contrast, a normal novel can be read in like 8 hours. Makes me think I've read the Xianxia equivalent of hundreds of normal novels. And it certainly has taken its toll in my fiction mind. I've been writing stories since I was a kid and my stories now tend to have these vast worlds filled with amoral god-like beings that tend to have a bit of a tendency to kill people like ants, and characters that just go around in some kind of cross-world chase for something infinitely far away. I should really learn to balance that a bit cuz it has stifled my will to write a bit.