are people that relish and are fine with the way things are and balk at revolution and fight for the bourgeoisie at every opportunity
Just because I come from a certain class, I am not obliged to defend the interests of my class background. There are some proletarians who also unconsciously defend the interests of the bourgeoisie because knowledge is not accessible, but this does not make them labor aristocrats nor anything close.
A labor aristocrat, and I don't know if I got the close Leninian meaning of it, is simply well-off paid members of the working class, either because there's great demand for their skills and few people doing it or a combination of both, or even through artificially inflated wages for certain functions. I think Lenin spoke of labor aristocracy in the context of imperialist war, but I think the category could very well apply to the internal composition of the working class, as well as the international division of labor. A British proletarian very well earns much more than a Brazilian proletarian, though with the European austerity measures and Russian sanctions this gap is becoming closer lol
There are obviously functions in bourgeois society which tends to be well paid: military generals, judges, police chiefs, senators, managerial and executive offices, etc. I don't know if these could be considered labor aristocrats as well, but they do work, but of course they work in the interests of the bourgeoisie, they have meetings with bourgeois representatives, receive gifts, dinners, and all kinds of bribery to serve the interests of capital.
But apart from these, there are certain well paid members of the working class, who enjoy high salaries because of the demand for certain functions, such as (in some countries) doctors, lawyers, engineers, academic professors, etc. These are what could be considered labor aristocrats, because they very clearly tend to support the status quo and in many instances are even reactionary, with the possible exception of lawyers and academic professors, for different reasons. But, for instance, my two (doctor) parents are staunch supporters of the fascist Bolsonaro. This is very common among doctors in Brazil.
They also have an inclination of becoming petty-bourgeois through their small enterprises because they are able to concentrate a little bit of wealth. A small minority of those petty-bourgeois can become bourgeois themselves. For instance, I have a distant family member who is a bourgeois, and came from a labor aristocratic condition. He was an engineer working for Banco do Nordeste, and later accumulated capital and set up a construction business with his partner and some rich associates he got acquainted with through his work at bank.