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  • Is it a fallacy? I frequently run into self-styled anarchists who describe other self-styled anarchists as "not real anarchists".

    • .ml people don't even describe themselves as anarchists, from what I've seen. And those that do, often hide behind that label in bad faith

      • not like someone describing themselves as an anarchist while flying a ukraine flag lol

        • Ah, here are the aforementioned .ml people. I wonder, do you specifically search out mentions of you in other instances to engage in conversations with people who don't like you?

          • This post has 200 comments in 12 hours. How do you think I found it, genius?

          • I think they generally try to keep themselves in their echo chambers, but as they're federated, can't sometimes help themselves and have to input some would-be-snarky comment they think is ever-so-clever. Then they get ratio'd hard, they get their bot-armies to vote on when they're off instance (if you look you'll see quite a lot of the time there might be a lot of downvotes for opinions against them, but always at most one or two more than how many upvotes it has. it means for mobile users the comment looks less reactive than it is).

            Then their egos get hurt because we bitch slap reality in their faces and they go crying back to whatever grad they crawled out from.

            • Honestly I think this one just could pass by the Ukrainian flag. I don't have much love for our government, but I put the flag in my online accounts so that it triggers pro-russian trolls. Still beats living in russia, at least here I can't get jail time for saying I like a man

        • Nation-states and anarchism don't technically clash insofar that you could have a nation that's ruled by anarchy.

          Just like you Russians are ruled by autocracy. (That's a pro-Russian account.)

          • Baby brain never cracked a book in his life but everyone stop what you're doing he's going to explain ideologies to you but not before he outs a secret jew for speaking out against the fatherland

            • It's funny because you're willing to say the most abstract bullshit imaginable, and you could simply lie and pretend to be on the side of Ukraine, but that would leave a trail online.

              And you know that's not good, because you walk by windows every day.

              Enjoying the constant fear of your police state?

              I know repetition won't change your garage output, but I again would like to remind you that I care more for the average Russian than the sicko fuck you worship who rules Russia.

              • Hey look a liberal being homophobic but it's okay because they're only explicitly using it as an insult for bad people. Must be a day that ends in y.

                • Your rhetoric is downright pathetic. The avoidance, ridiculous.

                  Nothing homophobic it about it. Queen is slaying in that portrait.

                  I heard Putler doesn't fancy it though. Wonder why?

                  Nothing to do with this, ofc.

                  You simply do not have the courage to answer that you're not pro-Russian. So by default you support crimes against humanity. A coward who doesn't stand up to what is right.

                  • So there's nothing homophobic about using 'gay' as a generic insult.

                    • I never even mentioned the word "gay", just like you never answer "are you pro-Russian and thus support comes on humanity?"

                      Because you're afraid to.

                      • "I didn't use the word gay! I just used a pride flag!!!"

                        What an amazing piece of shit. Shameless and stupid in equal measure.