Making a overtly political film so on the nose that it will alienate 50% of your possible audience.... Then getting shocked when the film under performs.
This scifi film isn't scifi, it's a extended SNL skit with scifi window dressing. So you lost your scifi audience here
The humor in the film is cringe humor, that doesn't appeal to all humor demographics.
So the audience is people who hate trump but don't mind thinking about trump, people who don't dislike scifi trappings but also don't really like scifi themes/ideas, and people who want to watch a full hour of political cringe humor. That is a small audience.
if you hate thinking about trump, your not going to watch this
If you are tired of seeing trump in everything, your not going to watch this
if your really anxious and worried about what trump is doing to the usa, and the world, this movie wont make you feel better, so you probably wont watch it.
The people who are going to watch it are people who don't like trump, but want to see trump being made fun of for a entire movie. That demographic exists, and they will really like it. But in the context of a box office flop, it does explain things.
Making super topical political satire narrows the audience and dates the production.
Think I'll go watch it and make my own decisions. You really think you've got the entire world figured out tho.... which I find funny, considering all the above and how, whenever I run into people certain about the motivations of others seem to be ideologically motivated themselves.
so confident you're right lol.
perhaps, just maybe, you're investing too much of your own dynamics into it? sometimes a cigar is a cigar, sometimes a bad guy is just a bad guy, but if you associate everything in your life in relation to trump, I could see how that happens.
how many flags you fly in the front yard and off your truck?
I don't have a truck, I don't like trump, I just gave my honest review. Of course Im happy you want to watch it, please enjoy it. You asked me to explain my earlier thoughts on the poor box office performance and I did.
groovy. it's certainly not a new story, but the way you laid out your position based on how much it would upset trumpers/ anti trumpers did give me pause lol
Saw the movie tonight and to be fair, the main antagonist is quite literally a parody of trump. From the fake tan to the pompous blustering. They even go so far as to have him get nicked by a bullet on his cheek. It's pretty on the nose.
I agree with you on the first part. It was just not that interesting, especially given that the concept of cloning seems really cool. But I feel like they did not discover enough in this regard but decided to make some political comments.