I have to ask, why start with 0? I never understood this with infrastructure. I would do something like 00000 if I did numbers so it would be easy to sort, but I always started with 1. I'm just curious.
One possibility could be because in conventional "computer counting" in (most) coding languages, it starts at zero. Like if I make an array of things
[monke, chimp, peanut]
monke would be [0]
chimp would be[1]
peanut would be [2]
Once I learned about this concept I started naming enumerated things from 0 usually just to keep a kind of consistency. Maybe I think if it's a habit, I won't make those mistakes as often with code. I dunno. :p
I used to be more creative but then I got in the habit of running more servers and swapping hardware more frequently so it got harder to remember what hardware I was actually connecting to. Now they get hardware based names and everything else is named by service-based Ansible roles.