Edit: to everyone who responded, I use regex infrequently enough that the knowledge never really crystalizes. By the time I need it for this one thing again, I haven't touched it in like a year.
I've always found it simple to understand and remember. Even over many years and decades, I've never had issues reading or writing simple regex syntax (excluding the flags and shorthands) even after long regex breaks.
This is exactly it. Regex is super simple. The difficulty is maintaining a mental mapping between language/util <-> regex engine <-> engine syntax & character class names. It gets worse when utils also conditionally enable extended syntaxes with flags or options.
The hardest part is remembering whether you need to use \w or [:alnum:].
Way too few utils actually mention which syntax they use too. Most just say something accepts a "regular expression", which is totally ambiguous.
There is the "very magic" mode for vim regexes. It's not the exact PCRE syntax, but it's pretty close. You only need to add \v before the expression to use it. There is no permanent mode / option though. (I think you can remap the commands, like / to /\v)
This is exactly it. Regex is super simple. The difficulty is maintaining a mental mapping between language/util <-> regex engine <-> engine syntax & character class names. It gets worse when utils also conditionally enable extended syntaxes with flags or options.
The hardest part is remembering whether you need to use \w or [:alnum:].
Way too few utils actually mention which syntax they use too. Most just say something accepts a "regular expression", which is totally ambiguous.
This is exactly it. Regex is super simple. The difficulty is maintaining a mental mapping between language/util <-> regex engine <-> engine syntax & character class names. It gets worse when utils also conditionally enable extended syntaxes with flags or options.
The hardest part is remembering whether you need to use \w or [:alnum:].
Way too few utils actually mention which syntax they use too. Most just say something accepts a "regular expression", which is totally ambiguous.
This is exactly it. Regex is super simple. The difficulty is maintaining a mental mapping between language/util <-> regex engine <-> engine syntax & character class names. It gets worse when utils also conditionally enable extended syntaxes with flags or options.
The hardest part is remembering whether you need to use \w or [:alnum:].
Way too few utils actually mention which syntax they use too. Most just say something accepts a "regular expression", which is totally ambiguous.
I know that LLMs are probably very helpful for people who are just getting started, but you will never understand it if you can't grasp the fundamentals. Don't let "AI" make you lazy. If you do use LLMs make sure you understand the output it's giving you enough to replicate it yourself.
This may not be applicable to you specifically, but I think this is nice info to have here for others.
I just use the regex101 site. I don't need anything too complicated ever. Has all the common syntax and shows matches as you type. Supports the different languages and globals.
For me I spent one hour of ADHD hyper focusing to get the gist of regex. Python.org has good documentation. It’s been like 2 years so I’ve forgotten it too lol.