Obviously fluorinated water is fine but having never grown up with it, it seems kind of unecessary. Maybe stop shoving sugary food and drinks in everyone's faces would have a better impact?
Public health management isn't really the same as making health related decisions for yourself and your family.
As a public health measure fluoridation of water is an undeniable success. It has reduced the incidence of dental cavities by about a third, with better results in rural and poorer demographics.
While I understand that it’s a useful, effective measure, I’m amazed that it’s needed at all. Most of Europe, despite having a comparable or on paper lower wealth status, has never heard of this as far as I can tell, and the introduction of the practice isn’t being discussed. What gives the US needs it?
I think a summary to answer your question is that it varies by region, in some areas there's enough fluoride present in the water naturally, in others fluoride is added to table salt, in some there's just no support for this measure.
This is more targeted towards the poorest and least educated of the community. Eating healthy and having a stable home with healthy habits is expensive.