Roiland, whose exit from the Adult Swim series was announced in January in light of domestic abuse charges, had voiced the title characters since its 2013 launch.
Roiland, whose exit from the Adult Swim series was announced in January in light of domestic abuse charges, had voiced the title characters since its 2013 launch.
For anyone who's not aware, some of the "other shit" is an extensive series of screenshots of texts where he's soliciting sexual interactions with teenage girls. Such excerpts include:
“Why are you such jailbait? What’s wrong with you in that regard? You should just grow older you dumb removed.”
"Is it cool being a jailbait?"
“Does the FBI follow you around arresting all the men you sleep with?”
I think in addition this, he was basically a shithead to every one he worked with, so everybody probably was excited for an excuse to fire him. Deserved or not.