Recommend a new portable music player with NO wireless functionality at all (Bluetooth or WiFi or any other wireless technology)
As per title really. I'm looking for a new small music player that will play MP3 and FLAC files. Preferably that takes a large SD card, otherwise has at least 128gb of storage. I want to be copying files directly on to it in a file browser and for them to play in the right order (I have a player that plays in the order the files were copied on to it, which is full on madness). I have no interest in iTunes and I run Linux as my computer OS.
Also needs to be less than £100.
And I really mean no wireless functionally at all, I don't mean "includes Bluetooth but it can be turned off".
The closest you're going to find is probably the SanDisk Sansa Clip+. It can receive FM, but IIRC no wireless other than that. I don't think it's made new any more but you should be able to find it for less than £100 online.
I don't think this is a troll. I think OP works in a high-security setting, or around extremely sensitive equipment. I'm leaning toward the latter because I wouldn't expect an SD card to be allowed in a high-security setting.
Tooth filings pick up AM, not FM. Assuming that’s even a real thing. All you need get AM is a diode which can be made to varying levels of performance with a number of common materials.
FM radios generally use superheterodyne receivers which generate a radio frequency to be mixed with the incoming signal to pull out audio.
This receiver does emit a small amount of RF as a result and it’s how the TV police in the UK would catch you for skirting a TV license.
TV licence people were never capable of detecting TV like this. They just assumed everyone has a TV but not everyone pays for the licence. So would pursue people without a licence.
They’re main detection technology was looking in peoples windows and intimidation to gain access to their homes.
FM receivers are capable of producing interference. Note their listing here.
The weird thing about this post is that both of the obvious scenarios that would lead to the kind of restrictions OP's workplace has don't quite add up.
If radios are banned due to interference, random electronic devices like digital music players are also capable of producing interference. It's surprising that any kind of personally owned electronic gadget is allowed.
If it's a high-security environment, it's surprising that any personally owned digital storage device is allowed.
I wish OP would elaborate, not because I doubt them, but because the explanation is probably interesting.
I have a friend who occasionally works in a SCIF. My impression is that a radio receiver would probably be allowed, but an SD card would not. That's what makes me suspect it has to do with sensitive equipment, though I'd be a little surprised any electronic equipment not explicitly vetted is allowed in that situation.
I don't know exactly what you're avoiding wireless for, but it has no ability to transmit, only receive FM if that matters. You could fairly easily disconnect/break the antenna and permanently disable even that.
I've had 3 Sansa Clip+ players. I never even accidentally switch to FM. I understand why your workplace bans Bluetooth. Mine does as well. Do they also ban the FM tuner?