I'm sorry but it's never fault of the conservatives or their leaders. Despite telling everybody else to take responsibility for their own lives and decisions conservatives have mastered the art of conspiracy so that they always have someone else to blame. In this case it's those evil liberals in the "organized left" using reverse psychology.
It was better at the beginning before they started requiring names and pfp to be covered in posts. Even if it was a celebrity. All the posts were from public social media pages. If someone is enough of a dumbass to broadcast their dangerous stupidity to the world, they they don't deserve anonymity.
It's not just that. They distrust science and medicine in all things. These are fat, gullible people, in overall poor mental and physical health; exceptions have only skated by on dumb luck. If they didn't believe the docs on virus prevention, they don't believe them on obesity and lung disease prevention either. If they didn't wear masks for COVID, they don't wear them for spraying paint remover at their jobs.
It's industrial hygiene and physical and mental hygiene to which they are ignorant, personal hygiene, too. If they didn't social distance to stop the spread, they dont wash their hands after taking a huge messy shit.
Decent? What makes you say that? If anything, conservative Americans at best would just have similar hygiene to non-conservative Americans. Which means poor. Because yall don't wash your ass. You wipe it with a rag and don't use a bidet. Just walking around with brown rings all day. No bidet-free culture has good bathroom hygiene!
What are we supposed to do at work or in public restrooms, use the bidet everyone else uses? No fucking way, let me keep the toilet paper and just shower daily.
The worst part is it looks suspiciously like a deliberate strategy. They told their base that deliberately not taking precautions "owns the libs", that you should vote in person on Election Day without a mask. This creates a correlation between voting method and candidate, with mail-in votes being mostly Democratic. Then they simply attacked mail-in votes.
Thankfully it ultimately didn't work, but they were willing to kill their voters to try it.