Despite the organizing of thousands of federal workers and a growing grassroots opposition to Donald Trump, the Democratic Party leadership refuses to offer any serious opposition to a billionaire coup.
Democratic party sidelined Bernie and constantly sabotaged efforts to pass legislative reform that would benefit workers and the people. They were never an opposition party to authoritarian rule, they were part of the corporate regime that sometimes made concessions, and it was only when the constituents threw and absolute shit fit.
Trump's whole thing ran off of anti-establishment energy, without even being anti-establishment. Bernie was the real thing, and would have been drawing from the same energy.
Bernie's candidacy, and occasionally when AOC speaks up loud enough to make the news, are the only times my right-tilted family and acquaintances have ever seemed impressed by anything of the left.
Yes, Bernie would've won. That's why the Democratic Party blocked him.
I forgot which primary, but conservative democrats formed a coalition where everyone but Biden withdrew, forcing Bernie to split the vote with another progressive candidate .
That's called Politics. They all want to win and they all make deals to help themselves at the expense of their opponents.
Bernie could've offered Pete and Klob the VP spot or whatever prestigious position they wanted to stay in the race and keep splitting the vote.
But the real issue is that Bernie never solved his problem from '16 which was that he is not popular with black people in the south. It killed him twice.