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I thought this was gonna be a joke about Windows on Steam Deck but holy fuck everyone needs to mind their own business.
5 3 ReplyNo, it's always important to call out abusive parental figures.
9 3 ReplyHow is this abusive?
3 2 ReplyIt's not, it's a shitpost
Is a little cringe though, but maybe Dad was expecting an extended stay
4 0 ReplyOh I see what you mean now. I agree, call out abusive behavior but too many people seem to want to have an input on things that don't concern them.
3 1 Reply
then go do it in the appropriate thread, not this one. its incredibly off topic
1 5 ReplytHiS iSnT aN aPpRopRiATe cOmMenT fOr tHE shITpoSt coMmunity
I lOvE a G*mEr dAD sUPPorTiNg hIs wIfE nO cAp nO sUbTeXt iN tHiS pOsT
8 1 Replyholy shit cope harder dude
1 7 Reply
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