pugjesus, How could I have been so wrong in thinking the issues of the poor and working class are not well represented in congress, and not just the will of the elites! You have changed my mind, our democracy is clearly healthy and my reps care what I think! viva le democracy!
I read a lot of the "fucking" article (your words). It attempts to disprove a number of studies at once with flimsy analysis. The conclusion of their line of reasoning is that the will of the people is being represented just fine in congress. Seems false on the face of it to any observer of congress's actions, and the events of the last election. Hence my question. Did YOU read the article.
I cant get behind that idea because the logic doesnt check out.
What good is a small antipersonnel device against tyranny thats so well staffed? Seems to me like suicide. Do you figure your neighbors will join you? Seems doubtful to me.
Is taking someone down with you some sort of comfort? If it comes to it, running for your life seems a significantly better option. What are you fighting for, your country? your housing lot? our "way of life"?