It wasn't that much of a lie for Gen-X in tech. In the company I was with in Austin, we use to have a breakfast (from taco trucks or delivered). Employee significant others were welcome to join. You might think that it doesn't count because they were co-workers, but we were also close friends. All around the same age, working together, gaming together, partying together, etc. Even after we switched jobs, a lot of us continued to meet up for breakfast, and I am still close friends with most.
Breakfast at work is one thing, breakfast before work is a whole nother level of time commitment. I'm pretty sure I started skipping breakfast around the time I started working a 9-5
Ross lived across the street, and Chandler lived across the hall. For Chandler, the difference between his own kitchen and Monica’s kitchen was 2 doors and about 10 steps. For Ross, it was only three flights of stairs. The only one who consistently lived farther away was Phoebe.
Plus it’s NYC. They’re not driving anywhere; They walk or take the subway. Even if Ross lived farther away, if Monica’s apartment was on his way to work, it would just be a matter of getting off at an earlier stop to pop by.