Health department orders NIH to hold Federal Register submissions – critical step in process for funding studies
The Trump administration has blocked the National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant review meetings by halting their required Federal Register submissions, effectively freezing medical research funding in apparent violation of a judge’s order.
The NIH’s actions defy a court ruling mandating an end to funding pauses. Experts warn the delay could cost $1 billion every three days and disrupt life-saving research.
Scientists suspect the move is a covert attack on medical science. If the administration continues to defy court orders, officials could face contempt charges.
The NIH did not provide an explanation for the cancellations.
If they are violating a standing federal court order and nothing is done about it, that's the final nail in the US coffin. They've been doing all kinds of devious shit but openly violating a court order is blatant corruption and a sign of what's to come.
This is it, this is how the reality which has hit or will hit almost every Trump supporter or fence sitter. Once he goes from being "just joking / saying something controversial for political gain" and "he doesn't mean it, he's just memeing" to actually impacting them directly or an area they know about then they realise what the rest of us have been screaming: he wasn't just joking, he was testing a boundary, and they didn't push back.
Yup. 60 min talked about that last week. Andrew Natsios, professor at A&M university and former administrator of USAID under Bush, said if/when the current WH refused to enforce/obey a SCOTUS order, that would bring on a constitutional crisis ... and nobody knows what would happen then.
What do you think the orange butt plug would do if chaos ensued? Do you think he'd back down or acquiesce to what many Americans want, or do you think he'd throw the FULL force of the whole gd military at citizens to quell the riots and disobedience?
Now I'm not saying the civil disobedience, etc isn't the way to go. I'm only saying that every American needs to count the cost beforehand, because it will be astronomical.
If he did that he would make it very clear, to those who still haven't realized, that it's a choice between stopping him and ending up trapped in a fascist dictatorship that could destroy you at any moment. It might be a spur to more effective resistance.
It wouldn't be a crisis, it would be illegal and congress should impeach him. But if the legislative just sits on their hands then it's the executive and legislative against the judicial, and in that scenario the judicial looses and the country suffers.