What were the specs/components of your first computer/PC?
Did you build it yourself? What OS did you use? Did you have internet access?
Feel free to outline the component brand names and model (if you remember them) and let us know if you still have access to the computer.
This was in Jan 1997. It was running Windows 95 (Windows 98 wasn't released yet). No internet (we got dialup later in the year; maybe in the late summer). It was built by my parent's colleague (company system admin), I was too young to build my own PC.
*Pentium I 133 MHz
*1.5 GB HDD
*CD-ROM Drive
*Sound Blaster 32 (remember getting Sound Blaster Live! In the next build).
*32 MB RAM
*S3 ViRGE 325 (4 MB RAM if I remember correctly).
I think the colleague who built it sold it off when we got a new build.
Pentium 200mmx, 32 mb ram, and I think a 5gig hard drive with windows 95. I don't remember the original display adapter, but later it had a voodoo banshee put in it. We also upgraded the CPU to one of those evergreen technologies k6-2 400 MHz. Later we switched to windows 98 and a bigger hard drive. I think we must have upgraded the RAM too, but I don't remember. It was a true ship of Theseus.
Edit: also don't remember the original sound card but I think it ended with a sound blaster live with the emu10k chip.
Yeah the exact details are difficult to pinpoint. I had to double check my initial memories.
I thought I had a Riva TNT2 on my first build, but I checked the launch date and I realised that it had to be the 2nd build, which me remember that the first video card I had was a S3 ViRGE. ))
I purchased a 4.3gb hard drive in the late 90s. 97 or 98 possibly 99. So a 5gb is not out of the realm of possibility for win 95. Especially if they did not upgrade right away.