It literally is. You're using a colloquial meaning of "news", and you are saying something like, "this news is unsurprising." BUT IT'S STILL A REPORT OF TOPICAL EVENTS HAPPENING RECENTLY, IE, IT'S THE FUCKING NEWS.
Okay, so you were REALLY saying, "Why is this surprising?" Except NO ONE SAID IT WAS, so of course we assumed you were asking, "Why is this in the news?"
Fine, die on that hill. I suppose you're the sort of person that thinks a hunch is as good as objective reporting. Maybe the news isn't your thing at all.
Edit: Look at it this way. Presumably, if this is "not news" because it's so obvious, then in your view, it WOULD be news if it DIDN'T go up by 10%. Well that's what this fucking article is about, okay? It's about how it didn't not go up 10%. It's about how you can stop waiting to be surprised by it not going up 10%. JFC.
It's the difference between knowing, and not knowing. You "knew" it would go up exactly 10% (somehow), but you didn't actually know until you had reporting to that effect. But you're all like, "No, don't tell me, I would rather live in a state of eternal suspense."
Creature, just take the L and accept you're being dense and pedantic. Yes, it's news, obviously. Is it surprising news? Not that much if you have a brain, but not everyone is that savvy to be capable of correlating cause and future consequence. The fact that a laptop manufacturer has already stated they're going to raise prices is news because: 1. It's to tell the stupid people who thought (believed in Trump*) that the increase wouldn't end up being paid by the consumers; and 2. Raises questions about how fast these companies are already planning to fuck the consumers over before the tariffs even hit. Both are perfectly newsworthy.