You know what I just realized? War is used to destroy the productive capacity of competition, right? That's why we're afraid the US will bomb China but also the reason we understand that they won't. Because the US relies on China's production so they can't bomb it.
But I just realized something else!
The new rising world powers have no incentive to go to war with the USA or Europe because there's so little production to compete with that bombing them would do nothing.
Do you see what this means? Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is threatening to make to make the West not even worth bombing!
BRI is the opposite of doing nothing. China has been proactively building up south-south economic ties and building up infrastructure and productive forces to enable the global south to break free of neocolonialism. We shouldn't make it seem like the Chinese are just sitting on their asses doing nothing because that is not at all the case. They just haven't been going to war, funding terrorists or overthrowing governments like the West does. This can look like "doing nothing" if you are used to the imperialist MO, but actually it's far more productive than the conflict strategy.