Are you ever going to raise how Kennedy led us to nuclear annihilation? Am I living in a fallout shelter right now? lol. Where were you ever going with raising the CMC?
You've dodged all substance, knowing you were outclassed.
You’ve completely misrepresented my argument yet again not like that will change your mind of course. JFK was leading us towards nuclear war. Thankfully he didn’t get the chance
These responses are so predictable I can pre-write my reply. You've got absolutely nothing to support your original claim, and continue to dodge all substance. This discussion is over.
Sorry raising Trump seems to scare you or something? Perfectly relevant to compare and contrast two presidents in their approach to resolving a crisis, but I suspect that's a bit beyond your capacity for critical-thinking. Memes and cringe is more your speed, I take it? Are you still in high school?
Perfectly relevant to compare and contrast two presidents
It's not relevant to compare and contrast presidents no one's defending. See, that's the straw man. I'm not a high schooler but I'm pretty sure one could figure that out
Dude makes bullshit claim that Kennedy was inching us toward nuclear war.
I raise literal historical evidence detailing that wasn't the case.
Other user deflects.
To drive the point home, I raise a modern incompetent President to highlight what's called a contrast to paint a picture as to how an incompetent president might actually inch us toward nuclear war in such a predicament (shouldn't take much imagination).
You then seem to get triggered — almost obsessed — with my raising of Trump that it seems to escape you that the other user entirely dodged the argument.
So if you're not a high schooler, then are you either bullshitting me, or are you stoned out of your mind right now? Perhaps drinking?
Contact between the topic and a strawman no one brought up. That's literally not what anyone was talking about. I don't know shit about what would have happened if Kennedy didn't die but you're so bad at making your point I'm inclined to believe the other guy. Do you know what ad hominem fallacies are? They're kinda like strawman fallacies. I'm fascinated by you though
Who said anything about contact? We're talking contrast. Keep up, buddy! I'm so amused at how triggered you became by my raising Trump. Most people would've gone, "Yeah... Trump definitely would've disastrously handled the Cuban Missile Crisis more than JFK," but not you good sir... You seethed so much you had to interject in a discussion between two other users, it upset you that much.... Which tells me all I need to know about you. If you ask me, that's the real cringe.
You could've just stopped at, "I don't know shit" and had a much stronger, more accurate statement.
Hahaha can't figure typos out now? See I'm not worried about making a small mistake, like bringing Trump up out of no where and claiming "no ackshually it's you that's triggered". Oh man I'm starting to feel bad for you. You probably got bullied and picked on a lot. Honestly dude, you were wrong on that one point and it's ok to admit it. Like I'm admitting my auto correct turned into contact not contrast. Doubling down like this is just so embarrassing and gives me the worst kind of satisfaction to make fun of
Literally my whole point is you brought it up out of nowhere and you're embarrassing behavior doubling down in hilarious. I have nothing to say about geo politics in this thread. I'm staying on topic here.
Are you afraid of weed or something? I don't smoke much and some of the smartest engineers I know smoke a ton. That's a really weird ad hominem that doesn't even make sense
Good morning, sunshine. Weed wear off yet or did you already start up again?
I have no problem with weed any more than I do some light social alcohol versus someone who makes it their live or drives under the influence. Similarly arguing under the influence is a no no. Smartest engineers I know definitely aren't coming to work stoned or drunk, but maybe you and I have different standards?
Now I know raising Trump really triggered you for some reason — as I said, most would either just ignore that remark or go, "Yeah Trump would've definitely botched the crisis" — but let's get back to the point:
Yes or No — would Trump have botched the deescalation of the CMC relative to JFK? Who would you prefer in that moment of crisis? Try not to deviate too wildly now, buddy ;)