The United States is imploding. The reign of Donald Trump is not only challenging and threatening the very foundations of its constitutional democracy, it
In three weeks, Donald Trump has imploded whatever positive image the United States might have had internationally.
I’d rather the United States dissolve at this point. I feel like I’ve lived under a dictatorship of capital my entire life and as someone who doesn’t live in a “swing state” I’ve had no say on federal matters my entire life.
The US has fallen. It’s time for individual states to do what’s best for them. I want mine to leave and join Canada.
in fact supporting the fall of the US makes perfect sense. of course you campaigned against harris in the guise of protecting gaza. so you could get trump elected. so putin and all the enemies of the US could profit from your treasonous actions.
I’m gonna block your dumbass, but before that, I’ve voted in every election including the primaries only to be told my votes don’t matter because of the electoral college. Our politicians are garbage. Red states are robbing blue states of our tax dollars while holding us hostage under their fascist values. Fuck that, let them suffer without our money.
The US was a failing democracy now its a failed one.
Yeah have fun with those democrats confirming trumps nominees for absolutely no fucking reason other than to protect their capitalist donors
Libs are fucking insufferable and have only themselves and their failed policies to blame. The socialists have warned for 150 years what capitalism leads to.
you'd sacrifice the country in the dream that the individual states would not become little capitalist fiefdoms? apart from that quite a few states could not function on their own.
why wait to become part of canada when you can just pop over the border?
maybe you can find another way to get politically involved in the country rather than hastening its demise
You think your housing crisis is bad now, wait until there’s a bunch of American refugees coming over your border. That’s why I suggested making blue states part of Canada. You get our tax dollars we get your healthcare. You get our weapons we get out from being under a fascist dictatorship.