What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ?
For me, anything 25 FPS or higher is 100% fine and I'll be enjoying my time. I never play competitive online shooter games ever, though. All single player ones like GOW and the likes. I game on a 60 Hz 4k monitor. GPU is AMD RX 6600 alongside Ryzen 7 5700G and 32GB RAM. My games are set to meduim most of the time at 4k. Demanding titles are on low. Surprisingly, GOW and GOW Ragnarok are both set to ultra and I still get around 40ish FPS.
That made me laugh 😂. Simple is always good, as long as you're having fun. 3070 would definitely do even 4k at 30FPS on medium or low. My RX 6600 does that easily on pretty much every game.
❤️. Bro, that's beautiful. Keep it that way. The guilt starts pouring right away once I think of buying anything for myself. I'm so fucking cheap when it comes to buying shit for myself. You'll find me lurking around the Facebook market place getting the cheapest deals possible, and they get all the good stuff.
Back in the days of CRT displays I had a 120Hz Trinitron, to pair with the video card and 3D goggles (which shuttered each eye in turn) to give 60Hz per eye
No way could that system or video card keep up with anything more modern than Turok 1 but it was nice for the couple of years it was good enough.
I wish I still had that Trinitron, I'd need a deeper desk though
@psud I do like my displays cause they are so old right now and still working. One of them is that old that the most modern connection he got is DVI. To get that working I was forced to buy an adapter for my graphics card.
Because I got two displays the color of them is so different that if I move a window between them to be shown on both I can visually see how broken the colors are on both of them.
The also have issues with ghosting if there are fast movements. I still like them.