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Dogs_cant_look_up I can remember one time:
"P for Potato",
"B for... err... i dunno, Botato?".
49 0 ReplyJustAnotherKay Potato
Brother the explicit purpose of the phonetic alphabet is to make all of the letters audibly distinguishable by ensuring none of them rhyme
21 1 Replytetris11
7 0 ReplyFonzie! Yet I've had someone tell me “P for Pear” which did not answer my question “B or P?”
1 0 ReplyJustAnotherKay I wish more people knew the Geneva standard phonetic alphabet or whatever the fuck it's called
1 0 Reply
CeruleanRuin I can understand your confusion, but the first one he pronounced "po-tah-to".
1 0 ReplyAnUnusualRelic
Good point Cotato and Kotato would certainly be a problem.
1 0 Reply
iamdefinitelyoverthirteen Bruh... It's P for "pterodactyl".
10 0 Replypyre 2 0 Replyhmmm
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