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What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ?

For me, anything 25 FPS or higher is 100% fine and I'll be enjoying my time. I never play competitive online shooter games ever, though. All single player ones like GOW and the likes. I game on a 60 Hz 4k monitor. GPU is AMD RX 6600 alongside Ryzen 7 5700G and 32GB RAM. My games are set to meduim most of the time at 4k. Demanding titles are on low. Surprisingly, GOW and GOW Ragnarok are both set to ultra and I still get around 40ish FPS.


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  • @penquin does it have to be first person? If third person is allowed I'd say Warframe. If not, classic Doom with mods

    • Shit, I knew a comment like this would come up. I was asking specifically about refresh rate not, first person shooter game. Let me fix the title 😁

      • @penquin oh! Well in that case I used to be a 1080p 60Hz monitor kinda guy, and about a year ago I had to upgrade to dual 1440p 165Hz monitors.

        While I can definitely feel the difference, 60 FPS is barely noticeable, and even 30 FPS is acceptable.

        I grew up with slower machines so sub-30 was fairly normal, even older consoles targeted 30 and faltered below that, so at this point I'll take anything above what's acceptable for film

        • So far, all my mentality/generation folks. <3
          I just don't care about FPS, as long as 25 or higher. Once you get to the 20ish, you start seeing the jitter.

          • @penquin like, I can tell the difference under 60, and I can tell it gets choppy under like, 40? But I probably don't make a comment about the "lag" or framerate dropping until it's below 20-30

            • 100%. I can absolutely tell, but I just don't care. I'm here for the fun. Playing God of war with my son and fighting all these bosses and getting into it and yelling is just way too much fun to worry about FPS.

              • @penquin sometimes it's even more exciting overcoming the FPS drops, especially when I can tell why it's happening and/or if it's only temporary/rare. I've definitely caused my fair share during some overly modded Doom setups