Capitlism is about the ability of selling your services to a willing party. It always has been, and always will.
If I want to stack boxes for $2 an hour, I have that right. If I want to stack boxes for $200 I have the right to make that right. Everyone has the ability to accept my offer, or deny it. Capitalism, baby.
There is no country in this world where workers all get to negotiate their pay.
In the U.S. for the most part people are able to. Except in situations where the government forces a floor. So we're damn close, every individual can choose to work for X amount of pay or not. Once again, except in cases where the government forces a minimum.
That is absolute and utter bullshit. That may be true for whatever industry you're in, but do you really think fast food workers get to choose their pay? Waiters? Construction workers? Uber Drivers? Hell, I work a decent office job and my salary wasn't negotiable. Neither was my salary in my past few jobs, all of which were good jobs.