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Hot take: she came out as trans to cover up the story of her hitting and killing someone with her car
39 16 Replymaybe. maybe not. In the end not for us to decide.
But tbh, if that were the case, she wouldn't have "stuck to the act" for so long.
40 1 ReplyI'm not saying she's not trans I just think it's convenient. Like Kevin spacey coming out as gay, right as the allegations happen
44 1 Replyoh, absolutely great timing to dilute the news, agreed
23 0 Reply
She was trans but came out to play for sympathy, just like Kevin spacey coming out as gay right as he was accused of being a rapist
19 1 ReplyYeah, maybe she came out when she did for that reason, but nobody has ever pretended to be trans and gone through years of HRT and surgery.
14 2 Reply
Buckle up buckaroos.
16 0 ReplyBlatant transphobia here. Caitlyn Jenner is a horrible person but transphobic attacks help nobody
11 12 ReplyNothing about my statement is attacking her as a trans person. Shes still trans and was planning to come out. She came out as trans to dilute the news when she KILLED SOMEONE.
take a step back and really read what I stated.
13 2 ReplyQuestioning a trans person's motives to come out is transphobic
6 6 ReplyI'm not doing this, don't be a troll. Go touch grass
3 1 Reply