The New York City comptroller’s office, which first noticed the missing money, said that the Federal Emergency Management Agency had unilaterally taken the funds from the city’s accounts.
To be clear: this isn't the "we stopped paying promised grant money" but is literally the federal government yanking money out of an NYC bank account.
So you agree tax cuts for the rich are bad, or do you actually believe the wealth inequality and political bribery this enables is a net good? It's clear the trickle-down bullshit doesn't work as evidenced by stagnant wage growth.
I would recommend supporting progressive candidates instead of simping for the people who enacted the laws which have destroyed our middle class. Pointing out corporate Democrats exist and vote with Republicans to protect their shared donors is valid, as long as you can recognize that Republicans cry about the deficit whenever they are not in power, and when in power spend like drunken sailors, increase military spending, and continue to use the deficit they grew as a cudgel to dismantle only the parts of the administrative state they disagree with. I'm not that stupid, and I doubt you are either.
I too like having a service provide be intentionally under funded, allowing essential services to be running super lean so that they can't function effectively. It's very efficient