So… how is that strategy going to help progressive politics, exactly? O.o
You're asking how choosing to focus on getting out the vote instead of appealing to opposition voters is going to help, in an electoral environment that saw 1/3 of the country say "I don't care who wins"?
Homie, the election is over. Electoralism didn't prevent the shitshow the US is currently in. I'm talking about proper progressive politics. I have no interest in moral superiority, or being butthurt by an election in which a fascist won.
Homie, the election is over. Electoralism didn’t prevent the shitshow the US is currently in. I’m talking about proper progressive politics.
Ah, yes, opposition to the one minor thing which you could've done to prevent the current fascist regime is mandatory, on grounds of purity, but calling a literal fascist evil is unacceptable. I'm beginning to get an idea of what your politics actually look like.
Insane that you question whether someone else believes in democracy for 'misanthropism' while dismissing actual voting as not 'proper progressive politics'.
I have no interest in moral superiority, or being butthurt by an election in which a fascist won.
Yes, it is increasingly clear that you don't give a shit about what happens to the victims of fascism.
Ok, so since voting is obviously the only way to enact any sort of political power for non-politicians: feel free to do nothing but feel morally superior until the next election comes around when there is no hope that things improve because people are stupid and there's no use in convincing anyone who's "wrong" and/or "evil". /s
Feel free to keep having the same exact conversations since 1950 every insular naive wannabe college leftist has had with their first-ever interaction with conservative voters in the US.
I'm sure you'll get real excited afterwards, and talk with all your buddies about how there's a DEEP wellspring of leftism just waiting to be tapped, and the mass shift in class consciousness is just around the corner. Any day now, bro. Just a few more pamphlets, a few more talks, and they'll totally be ready for socialism. We'll be looking at a whole new country.
You live with these people, in their communities, as part of their communities, and you understand on a deeper level why the surface-level "nod-and-agree" in response to politely phrased leftism doesn't mean shit.
Unfortunately, we don't have time to convince people who are fused to victimhood mentality. That isn't too say they are our not victims, that is too say they are more attached to feeling sorry for themselves than they are at actively making inroads and scrub plans. It doesn't matter, we work for them too and can work on inroads later. Right now we focus on those who are reachable. Hopefully as momentum builds, hope and effort will win over "poor pitiful me, I have nothing of value to offer so you're bad!”
I wholeheartedly agree. But the original post was about bathing in the moral superiority to shame any and all Trump voters.
This attitude might feel cathartic, but nothing produgtive will be propagated with this meme. It's the same self-serving circlejerk that liberals indulge in since the election. And I'm just so tired of all of it.
They've taught us to be complacent, dependent, psychologically broken without access to competent care, and again, with the outrage algorithms, stoked our addiction to victim mentality (and other indulgences, drugs, games, meaningless sitcoms though a few writers tried to wake us up), and chronic sleeplessness. Don't waste precious energy on meaningless arguments. Reach the ones we can and get about the business of doing whatever we can. Best to humanity. It's that real.