I'm happy i never got involved with bitcoin. I remember being mildly interested but decided to not bother. If i had a drive with almost billion on it and i had lost it or just not able to access it, it would dig at me too even if i tried to just let it go.
I messed around with bitcoin in like 2011. It seemed valueless because there were very few USD markets for it. Anyway I used to play a game where every action was a gambling mechanic in full bitcoin. Want to kick a coconut tree? It costs 1 BTC and 0-4 will drop. I had 100s of BTC at one point.
Anyway the computer had issues and then the hard drive was taken by a family member. I don't get too upset thinking about them because I would have just spent them once they had real value.
I have a friend in NYC who searches his entire apartment every year or two because he had a few BTC on an old thumb drive. It is a bummer that he lost it.
I got some dogecoin at a one cent and sold it in the twenties, which was a nice little gain, but nothing huge like being an early BTC holder.