Nice bait, but if you seriously have a problem with people enjoying things with no impact to you, the burden of proof is on you to explain why that's actually a bad thing.
Not bait. I loathe culture vultures and wave riders. "New fans" have ruined so many once-lovely small communities that I've been a part of. You can not give me a single fandom or community that's ever gotten better the bigger it gets
No idea where art came into the equation but you do know that gatekeeping is an entirely self-excluding phenomenon, right? New members who actually fit in with the existing group and don't insist on changes aren't going to be gatekept because they're not going to be caught. If you feel like a community is shutting you out, it's because you're not fitting in.
Getting to something first doesn't mean it's yours.
When loads of people join something, most are joining the thing with loads of people in it already. The thing you liked is already gone and they're not here for that.