Everything in the world is not about just you being jewish and that some people at some point called you names. As minority pain and lack of safety goes these days, your pain is laughably small and your continual exclusive focus on YOUR pain to the exclusion of all else, seemingly to hold some lofty perch of victimization, is pathetic.
You want to hate injustice? then hate injustice and pull your head out of your rear about your own comparitively small pains. You want to be selfish, then continue mewling like a farm animal which only cares about its itchy butt, like you are now.
Try being Palestinian, or Arab in the western world, or black. or a indigenous person of any kind-- australia, the most of US, lots of places. You arent in danger on a daily basis, much as you'd like to claim you constantly are. Other people actually are in danger, and are starving and suffering greivous harm as we speak. You want people to care about you, then care about them. Get some effing perspective.
I should be like “the good ones” and not speak up.
But you know what liars us Jews are.
These are all your words. You always sign off with a racial slur couched as an accusation, and the only one using these slurs around here is you-- because they are not permitted here. I'm going to report this nonsense.
Your pattern of conjuring up the worst slur against you and accusing other people of that is as odious as its use by others would be against you, and I'm tired of allowing it. Racial slurs and bigotry dont belong here, and I question whether you belong as an op or mod on lemmy if this is how you operate day to day.
Man you just cant help yourself with your constant use of stereotypes to strawman. What if everyone talked like that? This site wouldnt even exist. So what gives you the privilege of acting this way? Is your ethnicity an act-as-bad-as-you-feel-like card?
To answer your question, who knows. It kind of doesnt matter. If they ban you now, great, if they dont now, it'll happen later.
A better question is:
Do I think you stop digging a hole for yourself by acting in this manner?
Nope. I doubt that the pattern of your communications is an isolated issue to this conversation. I imagine your impulse control is also impaired. The best thing that will happen to you anytime soon is for you to overstep and be knocked down on your butt to think about what you did and how and why you do it.
The best thing that will happen to you anytime soon is for you to overstep and be knocked down on your butt to think about what you did and how and why you do it.