It's not a comparison of how deep each of them are. It's simple fact that they all are. Even defunct one like Internet Explorer or Edge were part of the same industry. It's a pattern, not a coincidence.
Mozilla making the judgment that it may be more effective to attempt to push advertising tech towards more privacy friendly technology (i don't agree with them but I can understand the thought process) and Google being an evil advertising empire are not even remotely the same thing.
While you're technically correct, this false equivalence you're trying to draw is just absurd.
They all are NOT. Mozilla is not part of "the advertising industry". Mozilla is a nonprofit organization which relies on funding from others, and occasionally puts advertising in their product to keep the lights on, they are not, primarily, an advertising organization.
The solution, is quite literally, use Mozilla Firefox.
They also rely on that industry for keeping their lights on.
Approximately 85% and 81% of Mozilla’s revenues from customers with contracts were derived from one customer for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively. Receivables from that one customer represented 70% and 64% of the December 31, 2023 and 2022 outstanding receivables, respectively.