Honestly, none of the points on the "Male Depression Risk Scale" listed in the article match my experience. It's always been closer to hopelessness for me I think. Hopelessness and a growing desperation for a way out.
Oh yeah, not gonna begrudge better coverage. Just voicing my experience really, which still seems reasonably common for men given that the old "sad or hopeless" scale still caught a decent number of men.
Yeah I feel that. I very much hit the mark on the new scale they came up with and very much don't get captured by the normal scale. It sucks too because I hate being angry and used to never be that way, and all the time, until I see this, all I could think was "what's wrong with me lately" which just makes me spiral even more into, what I now recognize, as a depressive cycle.
Hey man. I feel you. But I hope you won’t forget that there is hope. There is a future for you and for me. And you’re not alone in this. Hold on. And hold on tight. For you, and for people who love you.
I'm actually in a really good spot right now, but I appreciate the thought!
In the worst of times, it's always the thought of incidentally hurting loved ones that keeps me together, though at those times it can feel like that's what's tearing me apart.
That’s good to know man! I read somewhere that you’ll hurt the ones you love more than you hurt yourself. And the scars will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Perhaps right now, the best thought is to stay here with us for them?
But it gets better. It always does. The best is yet to come 😊
It was the absence of feeling that I sought to alleviate but didn't know it at the time. Substances generate feelings but I can imagine people find lots of ways to feel something. I abandoned all of my hobbies, nothing made feel normal any more. Anti depressants made little difference.