Literally just crumble tofu, fry it and add a thickish chickpea flower and water mix at the end. Season with KalaNamak. Done. Price for all of the ingrediets is very low.
It's for the "sulfur" taste to make it taste more like eggs. As another comment mentioned, there are other ways to add the sulfur taste, but fermented garlic is the easiest for me to acquire. I believe black salt does the same (though obviously adds additional salt)
i suspect that once prices catch up they'll just keep them in line with that of animal products, because fuuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuu consumers, give us money!
It's got a bit to go. Checked yesterday , granted at whole foods, and their fake ground beef was $0.56 and ounce while there regular ground beef was $0.38 per ounce . Both were the same 365 in store brand.
The cheapest fake ground beef cost about the same as the premium bison ground beef.
Just Egg is only expensive because the company is interested in catering to a niche for those high margins. It is made from incredibly cheap ingredients like bean flour so it's annoying that it is so expensive.