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[Solved] Convert commonmark links to Headings with spaces to GitHub flavored markdown.


My question was very badly written but the new title reflect the actual question. Thanks to 3 very friendly and dedicated users (@harsh3466 @tuna @learnbyexample) I was able to find a solution for my files, so thank you guys !!!

For those who will randomly come across this post here are 3 possible ways to achieve the desired results.

Solution 1 (

#! /bin/bash

mdlinks="$(grep -Po ']\((?!https).*\)' "$files")"
mdlinks2="$(grep -Po '#.*' <<<$mdlinks)"

while IFS= read -r line; do
	#Converts 1.2 to 1-2 (For a third level heading needs to add a supplementary [0-9]) 
	dashlink="$(echo "$line" | sed -r 's|(.+[0-9]+)\.([0-9]+.+\))|\1-\2|')"
	sed -i "s/$line/${dashlink}/" "$files"

	#Puts everything to lowercase after a hashtag
	lowercaselink="$(echo "$dashlink" | sed -r 's|#.+\)|\L&|')"
	sed -i "s/$dashlink/${lowercaselink}/" "$files"

	#Removes spaces (%20) from markdown links after a hashtag
	spacelink="$(echo "$lowercaselink" | sed 's|%20|-|g')"
	sed -i "s/$lowercaselink/${spacelink}/" "$files"

done <<<"$mdlinks2"

Solution 2 (

sed -E ':l;s/(\[[^]]*\]\()([^)#]*#[^)]*\))/\1\n\2/;Te;H;g;s/\n//;s/\n.*//;x;s/.*\n//;/^https?:/!{:h;s/^([^#]*#[^)]*)(%20|\.)([^)]*\))/\1-\3/;th;s/(#[^)]*\))/\L\1/;};tl;:e;H;z;x;s/\n//;'

Solution 3 (

perl -pe 's/\[[^]]+\]\((?!https?)[^#]*#\K[^)]+(?=\))/lc $&=~s:%20|\d\K\.(?=\d):-:gr/ge'

Relevant links

Hi everyone !

I'm in need for some assistance for string manipulation with sed and regex. I tried a whole day to trial & error and look around the web to find a solution however it's way over my capabilities and maybe here are some sed/regex gurus who are willing to give me a helping hand !

With everything I gathered around the web, It seems it's rather a complicated regex and sed substitution, here we go !

What Am I trying to achieve?

I have a lot of markdown guides I want to host on a self-hosted forgejo based git markdown. However the classic markdown links are not the same as one github/forgejo...

Convert the following string:

[Some text](


[Some text](

As you can see those are the following requirement:

  • Pattern: [Some text](
  • Only edit what's between parentheses
  • Replace space (%20) with -
  • Everything as lowercase
  • Links are sometimes in nested parentheses
    • e.g. (look here [Some text](
  • Do not change a line that begins with https (external links)

While everything is probably a bit complex as a whole the trickiest part is probably the nested parentheses :/

What I tried

The furthest I got was the following:

sed -Ei 's|\(([^\)]+)\)|\L&|g' #make everything between parentheses lowercase

sed -i '/https/ ! s/%20/-/g' #change every %20 occurrence to -

These sed/regx substitution are what I put together while roaming the web, but it has a lot a flaws and doesn't work with nested parentheses. Also this would change every %20 occurrence in the file.

The closest solution I found on stackoverflow looks similar but wasn't able to fit to my needs. Actually my lack of regex/sed understanding makes it impossible to adapt to my requirements.

I would appreciate any help even if a change of tool is needed, however I'm more into a learning processes, so a script or CLI alternative is very appreciated :) actually any help is appreciated :D !

Thanks in advance.


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  • Okay. To address the %20 and the https links, and the placeholder links, I came up with a bash script to handle this.

    Because of the variation in the links, instead of trying to write a sed command that will match only %20 in anchor markdown links, and placeholder links, while ignoring https links and ignoring all other text in the document.

    To do that, I used grep, a while loop, IFS, and sed

    Here's the script:

    #! /bin/bash
    mdlinks="$(grep -Po ']\((?!https).*\)' ~/mkdn"
    while IFS= read -r line; do
    	dashlink="$(echo "$line" | sed 's/%20/-/g')"
    	sed -i "s/$line/${dashlink}/" /path/to/file
    done <<<"$mdlinks"

    I'm not sure how familiar you are with bash scripting, so I'll do the same breakdown:

    #! /bin/bash - This tells the shell what interpreter to use for the script. In this case it's bash.

    mdlinks="$(grep -Po ']\((?!https).*\)' /path/to/file" - This line uses grep to search for markdown link enclosures excluding https links and to output only the text that matches and saves all of that into a variable called mdlinks. Each link match will be a new line inside the variable.

    The breakdown of the grep command is as followes:

    grep - invokes the grep command

    -Po - two command flags. The P tells grep to use perl regular expressions. The o tells grep to only print the output that matches, rather than the entire line.

    ' - opens the regex statement

    ]\( - finds a closing bracket followed by an opening parentheses

    (?!https) - This is a negative look ahead, which a feature available in perl regex. This tells grep not to match if it finds the https string. The parentheses encloses the negative look ahead. The ?! Is what indicates it's a negative look ahead, and the https is the string to look for and ignore.

    ' - closes the regex statement

    /path/to/file - the file to search for matches

    while IFS= read -r line; do - this invokes a while loop using the Internal Field Separator (IFS=), which by default includes newline character. This allows the loop to take in the variable containing all of the matched links and separate them line by line to work on one at a time. The read command does what it says and reads the input given. In this case our variable mdlinks. The -r flag tells read to ignore the backslash character and just treat it as a normal part of the input. line is the variable that each line will be saved in as they are worked through the loop. The ; ends while setup, and do opens the loop for the commands we want to run using the input saved in line.

    dashlink="$(echo "$line" | sed 's/%20/-/g')" - This command sequence runs the markdown link saved in the line variable into sed to find all instances of %20 and replace them with a -.

    dashlink - the variable we're saving the new link with dashes to.

    = - separates the variable from the input being saved into the variable.

    " - opens this command string for variable expansion.

    $ - tells bash to do command substition, meaning that the output of the following commands will be saved to the variable, rather than the actual text of the commands that follows.

    ( - opens the command set

    echo - prints the given text or arguments to standard output, in this case the given argument is the variable $line

    " - tells bash to expand any variables contained within the quote set while ignoring any nonstandard characters like spaces or special shell characters that are saved in the variable.

    $line - the variable containing our active markdown link from the text document

    " - the closing quote ending the argument and the expansion enclosure

    | - This is a pipe, which redirects the standard output of the command on the left into the command on the right. Meaning we're taking the markdown link currently saved in the variable and feeding it into sed

    sed - invokes sed so we can manipulate our text, and because sed is receiving redirected input, and we've specified no flags, the modified text will be printed to standard output.

    's/%20/-/g' - Our pattern match/substitution, which will find all occurrences of the string %20 in the markdown link fed into sed and replace them with -.

    )" - closes our command sequence for command substitution, and the variable expansion. At this point the text printed to standard output by sed is saved to the variable dashlink

    The next line is: sed -i "s/$line/${dashlink}/" /path/to/file, which uses sed to take the line and dashlink variables and use them to find the exact original markdown link in the text containing the %20 sequences, and replace it with the properly formatted markdown link with dashes.

    sed -i - invokes sed and uses the -i flag to edit the file in place.

    " - The double quote enclosure allows the expansion of variables in the pattern match/replacement sequence so it searches for the markdown link, and not the literal text string $line.

    s/ - opens our match/modify sequence.

    $line - the original markdown link that will be found

    / - ends the pattern matching section

    ${dashlink} - The variable containing the previously modified markdown link that now has dashes. This expands to that properly formatted link which will be written into the text file replacing the malformed link. I don't know why this link has to be enclosed in curly braces while the first one does not.

    /" - ends the text modification section and closes the variable expansion.

    /path/to/file - the file to be worked on

    Finally we have done<<<"$mdlinks", which ends the while loop and feeds the mdlinks variable into it.

    done - closes the while loop

    <<< - This feeds the given argument into the while loop for processing

    " - expands the variable within while ignoring nonstandard characters

    $mdlinks - the variable we're feeding in with all of our links containing %20, except for https links.

    " - closes the variable expansion.

    If you've never written/created your own bash script, here's what you need to do.

    • in your home directory, or in the directory you're working in with these files, use a text editor like vim or nano or gedit or kate or whatever plain text editor you want to to create a new file. Call the file whatever you want.

    • Paste the entirety of the script text into the file. Modify the file paths as needed to work the file you want to work. if working multiple files, you'll need to update the script for each new file path as you finish one and move on to the next

    • Save and exit the file

    • Make the file executable at the terminal with sudo chmod +x /path/to/script/file

    • To run it:

      • Change directory to the directory that contains the script file (if you're not already there)
      • at the command line use the command . ./name-of-script-file
    • First, thanks again for sharing your knowledge with me I really appreciate the time/effort you took to write all of this. I know those are a lot of thank you :/ but I'm really grateful for all of this, this is very valuable information I will keep in my knowledge base. It's really time I learn proper bash/python/Pearl? scripting with all those tools (grep/sed/regex).

      Second, YOU MISSED A DAMNED parentheses you fool xD ! mdlinks="$(grep -Po ']\((?!https).*\)' ~/mkdn)" Took me some time to figured it out with a very non informative error line 8: unexpected EOF while looking for matching "' but as expected it works !

      [Just a test](
      [Just a link](https://mylink/
      [Just a test](
      [Just a link](https://mylink/

      Next to show you my appreciation and not to take everything for granted and being spoon feed for everything, I tried to find a solution myself for something else, I will try to explain the best I can how I solved it.

      [Just a test](
      [Just a test](

      The part before the hashtag needs to keep it's initial form (it links to the original markdown file). So, because just playing around with Pearl and regex (which doesn't end well doing this blindly without the proper knowledge) I did some simple string manipulation. It's not very elegant but does the trick, thankfully to your well written breakdown.

      • I printed out the $mdlinks variable just to see what it prints out
      • Copied and changed your Pearl/regex to find the first hashtag (#) and save it into a new variable ($mdlinks2)
      • Feed your $mdlinks variable into my new Pearl/regex
      • Feed my new variable into done? (I'm a bit confused here but okay xD)
      #! /bin/bash
      mdlinks="$(grep -Po ']\((?!https).*\)' "/home/dany/")"
      echo $mdlinks
      mdlinks2="$(grep -Po '#.*' <<<$mdlinks)"
      echo $mdlinks2
      while IFS= read -r line; do
      	dashlink="$(echo "$line" | sed 's|%20|-|g')"
      	sed -i "s/$line/${dashlink}/" "/home/dany/"
      done <<<"$mdlinks2"

      Yes, not very elegant but It's the best I could do currently :/ However, I still got a YES effect :P

      To answer your question:

      Quick question as I’m working on this, in the new link example, is the BDMV and other capitalized text in this link supposed to be converted to lowercase, or to remain uppercase?

      As you can see in my string manipulation above, the part before the # needs to keep it's original form :) (Sorry wasn't aware of this before working with the original files) I solved it with some string manipulation as shown above.

      I'm a bit tired from all this searching/trail&error, tomorrow I will try to wrap everything up and answer your post below :) ! Also, I need to clean up the mess I made in my home directory xD.

      Thanks again for your help ! Have a good night/day !