Nebula is one I've been interested in too, I always see creators I like advertising that they're on there as well. If anyone knows how it compares to Curiosity Stream or other services I'd be interested to know (hope this isn't too off topic, OP).
I actually got an email from Nebula about how that's been discontinued
As of January 1, 2024, access to Nebula is no longer provided by Curiosity Stream. We will continue to provide complimentary Nebula access for the remainder of your current subscription period, but future renewals of your Curiosity Stream subscription will not include access to Nebula. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
If you would like to continue accessing Nebula and supporting your favorite creators, you can switch to a direct Nebula subscription here for a discounted rate of $30 per year.
And I believe before like, 2021 it wasn't available as a bundle but that could be incorrect
They've always been separate services, but up until about a year ago you could either get Nebula by itself, or bundled with CuriosityStream. Then theybwent their separate ways, around the same time that CuriosityStream more than doubled its yearly subscription price