Employees at multiple federal agencies were ordered to remove pronouns from their email signatures by Friday afternoon, according to internal memos obtained by ABC News.
Freedom of speech means you can't go to prison for saying something.
It doesn't mean you don't have to face whatever consequences your workplace chooses.
Example: You can call your boss an asshole. You can't go to jail for calling him an asshole--because of freedom of speech. But you can very much get fired for calling him an asshole. :)
As in punished by going to jail. You won't be thrown in jail for calling your boss an asshole (or even a "jerk")--thanks to free speech. But you can def get fired for calling your boss an asshole or a jerk.
And plenty of people do.
If it were as cut-and-dry as you say, then people wouldn't be fired for posting shit on facebook, even in an unofficial capacity. And that has happened under BOTH political parties.
I'm not arguing fair or not fair. I'm just saying how it's interpreted by our legal system.
i wasn't arguing against that. i was arguing: you can go to prison for saying something (eg. betrayal of state secrets), but not for things like critisizing the government. this is imporrant for democracy.
That's not what free speech means either. The first amendment of the constitution says:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Trump is blatantly violating the first amendment rights of federal employees. A business could fire someone for putting pronouns in their emails, the president however, cannot.
Trump is blatantly violating the first amendment rights of federal employees. A business could fire someone for putting pronouns in their emails, the president however, cannot.
I disagree. But I guess we'll find out what the courts say. Thanks, friend!