Anyway don’t do this to old, low-end cars. If that person’s driving a 15 year old Corolla then they probably can’t afford a brand new Tesla. As much as we’d like everyone to drive an EV, single moms tend to prioritize feeding their kids.
That was a remarkably calm comment considering the read intention is creating thousands of unsafe vehicles on the road along with other drivers and pedestrians.
Customs and Border Protection patrols the border, checks visas and passports of everyone passing through a port, etc. ICE comes to grab people at home or work or school or church to snatch them up out of their day to day lives and sends them away.
Every nation has something like CBP. ICE, though, is something especially authoritarian/fascist.
Aside from the batteries needing to be replaced at some point, electric vehicles should far outlast their ICE counterparts. A significant breakthrough in batteries could make that well worth it.
I'd love a right to repair, but also prefer to just get rid of capitalism. Not that these have to be mutually exclusive.
Yes, EVs should outlast ICE (excrept maybe the motors) but as it stands now, if theres something wrong with any of thr electronics it just won't work, and you need to get it repaired, with special proprietary parts, from an official dealer ship and charges eye watering prices, so thr cars end up in the junkyard cause its too expensive to repair, and it becomes e-waste.
Electric motors last fucking forever. We had a lathe at the last place I worked that was made in Nazi Germany with its original electric motor. The motors are what makes it last so long. It's the batteries and other electronics that fail in EVs. Ever been in a factory and seen those little yellow carts? Those things are ancient, poorly maintained, and exist in filthy conditions usually.
Half of my model trains date back to the 80s and earlier and have spent significant periods of that time just sitting unmaintained in boxes. No lube or anything, apply power and they just go. Good luck getting the same out of an ICE powered vehicle after just a couple of years of not being used. Electric motors are awesome!
Its the electric motors that should outlast an ICE vehicles. Its just a simpler design with less moving parts. They use rotational energy directly rather than converting translational energy via pistons and a drive train requiring a transmission, lubrication, cooling, and regular maintanence. Non of that is hardly needed with an ev, at least to a signifactly smaller degree. An induction motor doesn't even have parts that touch anything to rotate.
Not to mention that should a battery technology develop with anything close to the energy density of gasoline, evs should be able to achieve ranges in the 1000s of miles.
100% agree that the hardware and software should be open sourced though.
I hoping my (PH)EV lasts as long as my previous (and hopefully last) ICE. I only got 15 years out of the ICE, and I've gotten 5 out of the EV so far...
Biggest problem is not the engine in the car but the car itself. So much energy must go into their production, maintenance and running compared to literally any other form of land transport. Take a train, ride a bike, walk, etc. hell even replacing the cars with electric mopeds would make a more significant impact. We need to be reducing the number of cars on the road and encouraging carpooling for commuters who don't have other options (aka mostly folks in rural areas who happen to also be those that will benefit the most financially from driving less)