Well, it's a good thing we ran so fucking far to the right, then. Can you imagine if Harris had listened to progressives? She might have lost the primary we didn't fucking have.
She lost to Trump because she did what you wanted. Don't worry. The party will never fucking change.
Democrats have won the majority of the elections since the 90s using this strategy.
How many elections have progressives won?
There were a lot of black/female/indian democrat voters offended that anyone would even consider a primary instead of going with Vice President Harris. All those votes would’ve been lost.
She lost to Trump because that’s what China/Russia/Iran/North Korea and the billionaire class wanted. Whether intentional or not you’re just helping them out by scapegoating the DNC.
Nope, a long time has past since the 90s. That’s the point. The DNC has won the majority of elections for a long time. Proving they know how to win, unlike progressives.