The TL;DR is that tariffs would violate the NAFTA / USMCA treaty in which Canada agreed to respect US copyright law in exchange for free trade. No free trade? Canada doesn't need to respect US copyright any longer and can become a flourishing economy of products to compete with US products that are massively overpriced. Think printer ink and other stuff.
Idk if it's just for individuals, but our ISPs generally don't care about pirating already. I use a VPN to pirate here but just set to another city in Canada. I only even do that because I run jellyfin and have terabytes of downloads a month.
Worst case scenario is the ISP sends you a notice that the media companies are mad, but that's the end of it. They won't pursue anything further because they don't care
And even if you are dumb enough to respond to one of those emails, the liability is limited to something $50 per title. So it's not worth the money to pay a lawyer to go after anyone. They will however try to trick you into a private settlement.
I was thinking to host pirate sites of US movies, software, etc. Get the US companies to tell the orange buffoon to behave or better yet, move the companies to Canada.
I really like the article's reference to manufacturing US DMCA-breaking technologies and forcing devices to host app stores in Canada where the government can declare the 30% Apple tax illegal.
You're misunderstanding the situation, then, sorry..
Trump isn't rational, he is narcissistic-machiavellian-sociopathic.
IF Canada retaliates like that, THEN Trump may well declare war against Canada.
They would only need to drop a single large conventional-bomb on Ottawa, & then claim Canada as their "manifest destiny", declaring all Canadians to be "illegal aliens & criminals", & their "problem" would be "fixed".
He may not have the guts to do that this-week, but he is progressing psychologically, & the end-point of that progression, about 4y in our future, is as the most-murderous-dictator-on-the-planet.
He will be the complete-set: narcissistic, machiavellian, psychopathic, nihilist, sadist, systemically-dishonest, & hate, before the transformation is complete.
Tread carefully, when one is near a heavily-armed psychiatrically-defective giant, eh?
Sometimes I think you're right. Other times I think that couldn't possibly be true.
I've studied many of the bigger wars and they've all mostly have been started by far less severe events. It's scary that one person could wield all that power, unchecked and unaccountable.
Yeah anyone mad at the US government right now should to take it out on the US corporations, not the citizens. Citizens can't do much about this shitty administration until the next election but the corporations will have their feelings massively hurt every quarter if they don't meet their profit expectations.
trump will listen to corporations far more than citizens.