Oil (petro chem) target destructions is the most efficient way (by disrupting supply chains and economy, in my opinion) to pressure russia to stop their senseless aggression of Ukraine. The faster they do it, the better.
I'd argue that a burning oil refinery probably emits more harmful stuff into the environment than that same volume of oil used in a more controlled manner
On the short term: maybe
On the long term: makes absolutely no difference. Some of the soot from those fires might actually settle in the soil and stay there for 100 - 1000 years, which is probably the least harmful way petro chems could be converted. The portion that would have been converted to plastics and rubber might be a grey zone, but not a large one, since a large portion of that is burned at the end of its useful life.
True, but in a hypothetical alternative, the refining equipment would stay intact and refine more oil. As things are - if a distillation column gets borked, it's 3 months of stopped production as a minimum. More if it had Western parts, which most of them likely do.
More toxic gasses yes, but much less carbon dioxide. Over the months it's out of commission it only emits the CO2 already in the tanks instead of that much every day or so depending on the turnover rate.
Unfortunately humanity is destroying and will continue to destroy global ecosystems until most people are wiped out. Eco-terrorism will not change that (in my opinion).