Loomer finally gets to feel what its like to be the people she vehemently discrimates against, yet I get a feeling she won't learn a damned thing from that.
Their whole MO is whining when they lose, and crowing when they win. Whatever region of the brain is supposed to map their experience to other people, so that they can feel what that other person is feeling and imagine it as their own experience, is simply atrophied or doesn't exist. Their side and their own feelings are hugely important, and must be protected. Yours do not, because fuck you, you're not them. They do not apologize for this or make any attempt to hide that it is the way.
I feel compelled to note that this correlation doesn't necessarily mean there's straightforward causation either direction. That is to say that I don't believe that conservatives are inherently less empathetic. Such a belief can hardly be scientifically tested but ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ it helps me to cope