Honestly, we should be adapting more non English letters into our emoticons. Ü and ö are great examples, but :þ or :Þ looks way more like a tongue sticking out than :p does (though, I said non English, and þorn is, technically, an English letter...
Ÿ could be something... I'm not sure what, but something. Potentially pornographic...
ẞ or ß could be some kind of sideways boobs... Maybe an ass?
ð could be eyes if doubled ð.ð sunglasses: ð-ð
Ð could be gap-toothed smiley. =Ð nerd smiley: 8Ð
There are others, but I only have English, Esperanto, and Icelandic installed right now.
Esperanto has letters with little hats. Ĵ makes a nice little umbrella.
Kind of, but Lenny faces are more complex, less easy to just spit out than an emoticon. But just incorporating easy to access symbols into 2 or 3 character emoticons is pretty simple. :þ instead of :p