This week I bought and finished two little indie gems, for the price of 5.89 + 4.99. They were great, even if one was a bit short, but I also have around 500 hours on another indie game. Thanks to alpha beta gamer on YouTube i discovered there's a lot of nice games which focuses on story and mechanics more than graphic. I hope they price Gta VI at 100 $ and it flops.
not who you're asking for, but 'Mining Mechs' was pretty fun but grindy at the end.
Infact it's so small only 1 guy made it and in my review I said "if the frog guy isn't in the sequel im not getting it" as a joke BUT THE DEV RESPONDED AND SAID HE ADDED IT 😭😭
I have bought the sequel but haven't gotten around to playing it yet, but one day I'm gonna get to the point of finding that frog.