That was kind of the whole point of the discussion. Let me catch you up. Moar guns doesn't solve the problem. Most people that are arguing against this are using some form of a defense fantasy to support their reasoning. They are imagining a threat and then justify their actions based on that imagined threat.
Stop pretending the Nazi are coming to kill you. Stop being played by one side or the other. Start demanding your rights, speak out, and organize with like minded people.
The conservatives have no actual momentum save a bunch of assholes who are ready to trample your rights. They will only get away with what we let them. The solution is to get active not buy guns and hide in your basement.
All mass shooters are fascist!? I guess fascism just means "bad" to you now.
Looks like I have got you all wrong mate. You do care about gun violence and human life. You obviously don't live in some weird revenge fantasy world where all the Nazi are coming to get you.
Damn right you got me wrong. You can't see past your own nose. You've said nothing of value and insulted me. This conversation is over. Stop talking to me.