I honestly don't want to talk about it, it's so sad. Generally speaking, bad quality (but deceptively good looking) places that cost too much, in a shitty neighborhood.
no wind corridors so say hello to air pollution
Now, I know this sub tends to romanticize USSR, but during occupation (so until 1990) it wasn't that you had an apartment for yourself for every single person. If we just want to consider recent history (like 1980) then:
your apartment wasn't yours - it was tied to your job. Like US healthcare. If you lost the job, you would lose the apartment. They were also limited to at most 1 per family.
If you wanted to move to a different city to get a job there, then it could be impossible if the company didn't have free apartments there. Often it didn't. There was an semi-official apartment swapping market that often involved a chain of swaps in multiple cities.
In practice you wouldn't get a bigger apartment if you had children. You could try to swap for it. Most apartments were overcrowded and multigenerational AND small. It was common for a 3 generational family to live in a 3 room apartment (not "bedroom", room).
You realize that millions of people living in US and Canada would kill for that right now? It's actually very common at this point for multiple people to share apartments komunalka style because their jobs don't pay a living wage.
Also, you create a false dichotomy here suggesting that if free housing was built the way USSR did it today then it would have to be built to the 1950s standard. Obviously there's absolutely no reason why you couldn't be building modern style apartments.
also, I'm not talking about them. They were a thing in the 50's (after the war) when people were sharing bathrooms or kitchens, they were no longer really a thing in the 80's. In the 80's apartments had their own bathrooms and kitchens.
I am surprised that you read my post as against building state owned apartment complex, but then why would I expect anything from somone on the internet.
Also, you create a false dichotomy here suggesting that if free housing was built the way USSR did it today then it would have to be built to the 1950s standard.
I was describing buildings from the `80.
Obviously there’s absolutely no reason why you couldn’t be building modern style apartments.
... so the ones I described as "so many cons that I'm too sad to talk about them and we have a separate wiki page to describe how awful they can get"?
Ceiling part is also incorrect, i have no idea where that dude lives but i've been in a lot of different buildings from post war rebuilt ones, though khrushchevka to big plate and i never have a problem with stretching and i'm not short.
I 2nd this, either the person is taller than the average tall Pole, or resided in a gmina for a long time that has low ceilings and thought it's the same everywhere..