To be honest, there is a lot of blame to be cast on the Dem leadership as well as the voters. They managed to run one of the most uninspiring campaigns of all time.
Americans are not the dumbest mf around because you voted a felon and the man who attempted a coup into office knowing full ell us has literally no measures to make him ever leave.
You are the dumbest mf around since you blame the other campaign for being uninspiring.
It was the most important election in US history: a literal felon who attempted a coup and was somehow not hanged for it vs a candidate.
The Politics community on Lemmy is not open to being told such things though. There are a persistent handful here who like blaming and attacking anyone left of the democratic party who did not fall in line. They will continue to do so while the MAGA regime destroys that which is still decent and good in this country.
Yeah no. Even if the choice had been a blabbering idiot with a Napoleon identity crisis and a beany with propellor for a hat…. then still you don’t vote for a grifting fascist antichrist . It’s really not that hard.
What would the second Biden/Harris admin have done that the first wouldn't have? Actual functioning healthcare? They didn't even say they were aiming for that.
Look, I'm not saying the Dems weren't the less bad choice, I'm not even saying that voters should have been more active, but what happened was that Dems weren't able to turn out the vote because they alienated some of their electorate. Trump mostly didn't gain or lose voters.
And it's quite a shit take to have it out for "Gaza single issue voters", when you ask them to be "no fascism single issue voters". Some people have different sets of values, almost nobody wants to live in a dictatorship, but aside from a few outliers like Lina Khan, the Dems just didn't work for the people.
And stepping back, it was not even the current Dems' fault mainly. It's the entire political establishment of the past decades letting the system slide into this, inch by inch. It's every time some rich guy didn't get arrested for his shenanigans, every little slip where money trumped morals and laws. This is the result.
Imagine, just imagine, if the ICE threw the illegal immigrant Musk out like they do with brown people. Or if the IRS wasn't underfunded for decades. And I know that it's mostly the ghoulish machinations of the GOP that's to blame for that, but I never saw a Dem presidential candidate campaign on "law and order for the wealthy as well" or "make megacorps pay their due taxes", or even "let's catch up to the rest of the world with healthcare".
As for what they would get done, it would be continuing progressing the work from the previous term which only seems like nothing because you don't know.
Some highlights included making child tax credit permanent(now gone under trump). Implementing a tax rate for people making over 400k and a minimum tax for extremely high earners. Rasing corporate tax rate and closing tax loopholes. Capping the price on more commonly used drugs(trump has already removed the cap on insulin that was implemented last term). Loan cancellations for 5million more Americans. Expanding apprenticeships and job training for teachers, nurses, and other civil servants. Expand Medicare providing child care to millions of families for less than $10 a day. Lowering housing costs by building/renovating 2million homes. Universal background checks for guns, safe storage requirements.
Judging by how much he was able to get done during his first term its likely he would have gotten more than half of the above bills passed.
"Not having a felon who attempted coup enter into office that has recently proved that dictatorships and tyranny are legal in US alienated the voters"
Americans deserve every single thing coming to them and they deserve to prove yet again they are some of the most uneducated, unintelligent and self absorbed people around.
If you are either one of the Americans this doesn't apply to, you have already taken it as a champ since you understand collective punishment means everyone needs to take it.
yes, why couldnt those dumb peasants who never had it so good have gotten aboard genocide joes bandwagon? Its a real mystery that evidently no one can understand.
FWIW, as an American, I really hope you're right. Because there is serious potential for us to fuck up the entire rest of the world for a very, very long time.
I don’t understand why folks downvote comments pointing this out to be honest. Like bro, the man literally fucking said it out loud what more do you want. He’s quoted as saying a) Elon musk in some way stuffed the electronic ballots in PA and b) he (ie trump) wouldn’t be president if the election had not been rigged what more do you want bro serious question I’m fucking interested
Honestly, masterful plan by the traitor's handlers. They made sure that we couldn't complain about a rigged 2024 election because of the bullshit they spread about the non-rigged 2020 one.
Because the statement is so stupid there is no way its true. He says Elon knows more about these voting computers than anyone one else and was able to rig it. Obviously that statement is not true Elon knows nothing about voting machines.
We can pretend to believe Trump just to hold his feet to the fire but he's so slippery he will slip out and we will be left sitting here looking like idiots for believing the dumb claim.
We'll never know now. The party and Biden/Harris were too busy feeling sorry for themselves to look into the voting irregularities that the cyber people were screaming about. Now its Jan21 and they are locked out of every level of government. Maybe they should have gotten off their asses and done something about it. Doing nothing is their pattern.
I don’t understand the enormous resistance to the extremely simple idea that obviously evil people obviously and literally rigged an election by literally adding new fake votes, a method so obvious and literal and with such pedigree and history that it has a name, which is ballot stuffing.
Ballot stuffing is pretty easy to detect statistically, and there hasn't been any evidence of it happening and definitely not at the scale required to affect the election results.
Sadly we would have embraced fascism whether voters elected Trump or Harris/Biden, as we've seen with the sentiment towards Palestinians.
With the former, it's fascism. With the latter, it's fascism-lite.
Ultimately, we're going to reach a chilling point that will probably demand a WWIII. When that comes has probably now been accelerated due to Trump winning.
Sanders was our key to fighting fascism. Sadly Obama, Clinton, and Biden all kneecapped him in favor of billionaires and the status quo while claiming no responsibility for the seeds they sewed.