Have you ever considered uploading some of this? The original Beavis and Butthead was patched back together using a combination of sources including VHS and DVD releases and uploaded to the high seas as the "King Turd Collection." This stuff could be valuable to others.
The official release was missing all or most of the music video segments, which constituted a large part of the show. They also tended to be the most entertaining part IMO.
Yeah that was the content I was vaguely referring to.
And kind of agree, a lot of the show's actual episodic structure outside of the music video part, is shoddy at best. It was car crash television from the 90s, what did anyone expect?
That's a great way to describe the show. I can't believe so many people desire to go back and watch it. Fun fact, I only know what was missing because my little brother bought me the original collection for Xmas when it came out, but he forgot to give it to me until the following Xmas so that he could watch them all.
It has tried to return in the early 2010s and again in the 2020s. It has not aged well and didn't really feel like it belonged anywhere within any culture of what was going on for shows around those points in time.