COUTTS, AB - Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has arrived on foot at the Coutts-Sweet Grass border crossing station, petitioning for refugee status in the US on the grounds of being persecuted in her home country.
Ultimately she's a removed for Alberta's oil and gas industry, and Trump is just a means to an end. She'd put out just as readily for a Japanese tentacle monster if it promised to buy oil from Alberta. So this isn't really about Trump or the US at all.
It's . . . arguable. The Alberta oil and gas industry doesn't really benefit "all Canadians", just the ones working in that industry, and most of us who whose paychecks don't depend on Alberta oil think the environmental oversight needs to be tightened up. In terms of advocating for the short-term interests of the subset of Albertans that elected her, Smith could be said to be doing her job. Problem is, she's doing so in a manner that goes against the long-term interests of everyone in the country, including the people that elected her.
Mmmm, not quite. Industry and good paying jobs are not worth bending the knee everytime king little hands makes a quip about whatever. It shows weakness and shows that we will do whatever it takes to appease.
Dude, you are not making any sense. Are you from Alberta?
She was elected to represents interests of Albertants, and this is what she is trying to do, as she understands it. It is up to the Alberta's voters to judge her next election, not some internet randos.
You know the funny thing here? I've had this conversation with a few fellow Albertans about easterners not caring about Alberta's problems. They can never seem to wrap their heads around the rest of Canada quite literally not giving a a shit about the oil and gas industry. When I ask them what there thoughts are on the fisheries in there maritimes, or the auto industry in the GTA or bombardier cutting employees in Quebec they answer they don't care.
And yet...they don't see the hypocrisy. Always amazes me.