I saw a post that talked about racism towards people and when I talked about it the response I got was very heated and a person even called lemmy.world a community of 'hitlerites'
I have been around for a week or so and this is my first time seeing such explicit vulgar reaction towards another community, is this a one-off or should I block hexbear?
Worse moderation than Reddit subs. Will ban any views that don’t fit their narratives. Just got a server wide ban for giving links showing how the ceasefire was reached by promising the right wing factions more of the West Bank as Trumps largest donor intended.
Sometimes I like hexbear, agree with them and laugh with them, and sometimes their insular attitude makes me cringe. I am very critical of the democratic establishment in the US but hexbear’s “blueMAGA” talk is really offputting to me and sounds like the incel / redpill speak from parts of reddit and other online communities.
Blue MAGA to me (everyone’s gonna have a different definition) are liberals who can’t accept any criticism or self reflection about the democrats or why they lost, and immediately knee jerk reaction to anyone criticizing dems as being trump supporters and being happy trump won. At their most extreme, they’re alsofascists, saying shit like “I hope you end up in camps, I hope you get deported, I hope they kill you, etc”. (I’m a visibly queer woman)
They have the political understanding of young children and can’t comprehend why their party lost in a landslide (dems lost the presidency, the house, the senate, state governments, local elections) and immediately conclude it’s because of identity politics - racism, transphobia, queer phobia, hates women, hates immigrants, etc. because that’s what the MSM has been drilling into their soft little heads for the last decade now. If they actually talked to trump voters, third party voters and non voters they’d learn how wrong they are.
It’s so simplistic it reminds me of when George w bush blamed 9/11 on Muslims because “they hate us and they hate our freedoms” and not the real reason: those involved hate our imperialism, our capitalism, and our foreign policy for good fucking reason being on the receiving end of our bullshit for decades. And look around you, well you’re on a Canadian instance so maybe not but - Al queda won.
Edit: also I just wanted to add - I at one point canvassed for the democrats on behalf of Bernie’s campaign in 2016. And I’ll never ever vote democrat again. I held my nose for biden and immediately regretted it over a whole slew of issues but israel most importantly. But after the smug contempt the party holds the working class in and shoves their shitty neoliberal candidates who actively make my life worse while pretending theyre my ally down our throats I’m done with democrats for good. If they can’t hold a primary they can’t go around bleating about how they’re saving democracy. Not all of us are as stupid as the blue MAGAs who believe that idiocy.
Anyone who thinks its the people that fail the party and not the other way around. So basically anyone who blames the people for not voting dem, instead of blaming the dems for not putting forth an appealing program that would represent the voters. You know, like in a democracy.
MAGA is a movement that glorifies a Hitler like figure who has promised to put tens of millions of honest workers in concentration camps because somehow immigrants are the cause of all their woes. These folks were both willing to deny any loss for any reason and willing to kill their neighbors in a civil war to "take their county back" if they lose.
"bluemaga" are people what mad that America's Hitler won?
Blue MAGA is the cult like belief that the democrats can do nothing wrong and any criticism of them is a vote for trump. It’s idiotic, just like their red MAGA counterparts. They’re willing to accept a genocide so long as their team wins.
This is literally the Biden deal negotiated in May 2024 and not instituted before election so as to avoid helping Biden. You are assigning Trump who isn't even president credit for Biden's peace deal.
False, the Israelis claim it was pressure from trump that sealed the deal, they were afraid trump would put American interests ahead of Israel’s whereas biden clearly lets them do whatever the fuck they want and writes them a blank check.
You’re just mad because it’s about you. What’s stupid is thinking voting blue no matter who being a winning strategy. That worked out for ya didn’t it. Lost the presidency, the senate, the house, numerous state governments and local elections. Great job liberals! You’d rather lose to fascists than embrace leftist positions.
Like 99.9999% of liberals I'm not actually in charge of the Democratic party or their broader strategy. Come election season I can choose
A) To vote against republicans in the general election
B) To vote for more liberal parties in primaries
That is basically it. The effects of electing Republicans is often substantial risk to our nation and to myself personally so I cannot afford to score political points by voting third party nor is there good reason to believe this would be effective. The historical fact for 40 years has been that winners on the left side of the aisle had to appear attractive to moderates and liberals which limited how far left it was useful to get. Not to mention most far left positions are bad for the rich and corporations at least in the short run which leads to money drying up and the moderates who get said funding and more support from fellow moderates winning.
Basically folks like you are threatening other folks with losing if they don't execute a losing strategy. This is why it didn't happen because you weren't actually offering a path towards victory. Maybe after Trump completely ass fucks our country and probably impoverishes it for a generation we will actually have more will for real change but I wouldn't have chosen to sacrifice my family to achieve it.
My family has already been sacrificed and impoverished by numerous liberal and conservative governments. I’m not voting for democrats ever again. To hell with this country, let it burn and suffer as greatly as my family has. Chefs kiss when AI takes over the liberal elites jobs and suddenly their learn to code condescension comes back to fucking bite them, it will be well deserved.
All strategies by our imperialist capitalist governments are losing strategies and biden/Harris was not the less bad choice. They are equally bad for different reasons and only liberals can’t seem to get that through their propagandized minds.
My family has been impoverished since basically fucking forever and I thus have little space for performative shit by shit stains who would kick us while we are down to make what they misperceive as a point
bluemaga were coming to the defense of Genocide Joe until the very last second and the only thing that made them switch was a bad TV performance. They didn't care about the genocide, it was a bad TV performance that made them go "uuuh not a good look sweaty" and then they started rooting for the genocides second-in-command. They're mad Hitler won because they were rooting for Mussolini
They're mad Hitler won because they were rooting for Mussolini
Damn what a fucking burn right there. But they’ll still never get what the problem is, because they’re liberals and so long as the west keeps delivering treats to the well off coastal suburban liberal base the democrats can do nothing wrong. Genocide? What genocide? Trump will be worse! meanwhile trumps getting a ceasefire in place (which granted who knows if Israel will actually follow or if everyone’s full of shit) with the same conditions as the one biden offered months ago, only this time yahoo is agreeing to it. Liberal talking points aging like milk so far.
And for the record, I voted third party, and I’ll continue to drink liberal tears. The democrats would rather lose to a fascist than adopt leftist positions.
But they’ll still never get what the problem is, because they’re liberals and so long as the west keeps delivering treats to the well off coastal suburban liberal base the democrats can do nothing wrong.
I remember this comment https://lemmy.world/comment/10079489 because it's such a good view into the average treatler brain. They believe Trump would be good for them but out of the kindness of their hearts they're willing to sacrifice some imagined treats and those ethnicities better be grateful for it.
I’ve had this conversation with my SO. Technically speaking the best move for me as a white male would be to support Trump. Instead I vote for Democrats hoping for positive changes for all people. For most of my life I’ve thought I was “far left” for American standards, but since I’ve joined portions of Lemmy and Reddit you’d think I was a fucking Republican.
Certain portions of the left would rather spit in their own eye for unrealistic principles, even if it means that a worse alternative is the result.
LOLLLLL dude has the political understanding of frog or something.
I’d love to know what this guy considers to be “left”.
Edit - also that’s less about treats and more about identity, branding and marketing. Like dudes who drive F350 pickup trucks to do a Walmart run. It’s all identity and cosplaying “a real man!” Meanwhile their F350 is spotless and looks like it came off the lot yesterday.