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mustard. that weird sourness wasn't friendly to my kiddie tastes.
bread and butter. couldn't get the charm of it.
onions. shallots to be specific. it has that fragrance.
eggplant. mutabal is now great.
goya. still work in progress.
5 1 ReplyWhile it is nice that you're getting around to the works of Spanish painter Francis Goya, I think this thread was only about food
6 0 Replyhahah, that's a good one! also til about the artist.
3 0 Reply
Onions are definitely underrated imo
6 1 ReplyUnderrated? Onions are in, or are the base of so many dishes and sauces its not funny. Thats almost like saying 'people should try using garlic or salt in their recipe more often'
7 0 ReplyPeople should
2 0 Reply
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